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Regular price $3.50 CAD
Regular price Sale price $3.50 CAD
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Rhodonite is an emotional stabilizer that heals emotional scars from the past and fosters love. The heart is energized, cleared, and stimulated by it. Rhodonite balances yin-yang, grounds energy, and helps people reach their full potential. It alleviates anxiety and emotional shock.

  • Assists one in discovering their true purpose in life and learning new skills.
  • Has a joyful and uplifting energy that encourages one to engage in behaviours that help others in need.
  • Promotes acceptance and forgiveness of oneself and others, and dissolves any feelings of fear, resentment, and self-doubt.
  • Great companion for anyone experiencing anxiety due to its soft, nurturing energy.

Chakras: Heart, Root

Elements: Earth, Fire

Zodiacs: Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus

Affirmation: "I am thankful for my blessings."

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